The Aging Face
Part1- What We See
The aging face is easy to identify; children can recognize the summation. Identifying the components of the sum is deceptively difficult. Before we look at the options for addressing facial aging, it is important to understand what things contribute to the sum of aging.
The biology of facial aging is an extremely complex process. It encompasses changes in the skin, the skull, and everything in-between. Many different factors act at every intersection. The bony structure of the face changes with time and is affected by changes in dentition and medical problems. The soft tissue beneath the skin changes shape, volume, and position. The skin changes in quality and is affected by environmental factors.
Once we can appreciate the complexity of facial aging, it is easy to understand why there is no "quick-fix" to turn back the clock. Think of discovering a classic automobile that has been been sitting in a field for 50 years. Restoring the automobile can be an exhaustive process that involves all aspects of the car. Simply applying a new coat of paint does not fix the rust and dents. Likewise, attempting to change an isolated result of facial aging results in an unnatural result. In the coming sections, we will briefly look at each of these factors, and the options for restoring them.