Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Louisville Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Research Roundup

Breast Implant Volume Required to Increase Bra Size
Nina-Marie NM King; What Is the Standard Volume to Increase a Cup Size for Breast Augmentation Surgery? A Novel Three-Dimensional Computed Tomographic Approach. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017 May;139(5):1084-1089
Women commonly inquire about the size of an implant needed to increase bra cup size.  Historic approximations indicated that each 100cc increment increases one cup size.  Subsequent studies have shown a wide variation.  Different bra manufacturers are not always consistent regarding cup sizes.  This study is designed to analyze the volume needed to increase one cup size, utilizing a variety of bra manufacturers.           
Size 34 B-E bras were evaluated from 3 different bra manufacturers.  The actual volume of each cup size was evaluated by a variety of methods, including volume displacement, measurements and CT reconstruction.  79 patients were evaluated who had undergone breast augmentation.  These patients had been studied using the a 3-dimensional imaging device (Vectra).  All women received silicone, form-stable implants.
Actual bra volumes were variable among different manufacturers for the same cup size. Looking at bra cup volume by itself, the average volume required to increase one cup size ranged from 108-151cc’s across the different manufacturers.  The implant volume required to increase one cup size varied between patients from 75-295cc, with a mean of 138cc.
Bra manufacturers are inconsistent regarding cup sizes.  Some manufacturers have different cup sizes for the same actual volume.  Therefore, it is very difficult to predict the volume needed to consistently increase one cup size. Nevertheless, an average volume of 130cc’s was required for smaller band sizes, and 150cc’s for larger band sizes.
Take-home message

Patients and surgeons know well that bra sizes vary among manufacturers.  My experience is that professional sizing at particular stores is vital.  It is also very helpful to be consistent when choosing bra brands.  More accurate data now shows that an increase of around 150cc’s will equate to increase in one cup size.  This is still just an estimation, as there are a variety of breast implant consistencies (saline vs. traditional silicone vs. form-stable silicone) and projection (low vs. moderate vs. high) for the same implant volume.

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